Hello, friend :) 

I'm Maxwell. I'm also a Seattle-based designer and artist. I'm a full stack UX professional, experienced in user research, user interface design, interaction design, motion design, and art direction.

I studied Interaction Design at the University of Washington, where I fell in love with the processes of deep listening and playful idea making. Today I propel myself through life with an obsession for music and art. I encourage you to stalk my spotify account. I also have an instagram account, where I post art, design experiments, and the occasional photo.

I believe "What Else Could This Be?" is a very important question. When I am sad, I remind myself that There Are Cats.

Nice to meet you:

Oh no! This portfolio isn't ready for mobile layouts yet.

It's been recently renovated. Log on with your desktop or laptop computer, or come back on Wednesday, August 25th. It'll be done before then!

See you on the other side <3
