

Anxious, amorous adults aged 20—30


Maxwell Crabill, Kate Johnson, Rick Paz


Unstructured Interviews
Empathy Mapping
Research Synthesis
Ideation & Creative Direction
User Testing

Design 481, UW, Winter 2017
Researching and responding to modern romantic woes with critical design.

We were tasked with researching and understanding a purely subjective area of the human experience—in our case, love. Over the course of two months, we used design research to understand the many sources of romantic anxiety in young people through unstructured interviews, insight generation, empathy mapping, and real-world prototyping.

We used our findings to dream up a new, speculative design based in insight, principal, and real-world prototyping.  By incorporating a hot mic in to the solution (a constraint of the project), we grew familiar with ethical dilemmas implicit in designing with always-on surveillance.

How might we ease anxiety among romantically struggling millennials?



Formative Research

Millenials are perceived as anxious and confused when it comes to romance and commitment. How come?

Formative research confirmed a public perception of millennials as clueless and anxious when it comes to romance.

This judgement is at least partially rooted a misunderstanding. Millennials are quite romantic, but generally dislike commitment or the forfeiture of one's independence.

That said, millennials certainly perceive themselves as lonely, or at least fear it. Single milennials fear never finding love more than any other existential threat.



We devised research questions and assembled a study guide to assist us in a series of ten, one-hour-long unstructured interviews.

Our team chose to interview millennials in committed, monogamous relationships, to focus our research on individuals already well-acquainted with dating and romance.

Interviews consisted of a conversational, unstructured portion and a twenty-minute long guided storytelling session.

I facilitated three interviews personally and took notes for another two.

Our entire team tirelessly transcribed each other's interviews into qualitative date points (taking the form of the iconic sticky note) for sorting.



We turned those interviews in to data. With the power of sticky notes, we turned those data points in to insights. (This is my favorite part)

I was particularly excited to discover the following:


Fear of failure is a nearly universal contributor to day-to-day anxiety. "Analysis Paralysis" happens in part thanks to the increased possibility of making a "wrong" decision when faced with many choices, inflating the perceived risk of failure.


We are told what love should feel like well before we experience it ourselves.


We must eventually either accept or reject our family and culture's assertions of what is normal. This gives family and culture inescapable emotional power over us.


Love transcends work and play—the gradually increasing amount of work we put in to a relationship functions as a stress test for its purposefulness.


Empathy Mapping



We transformed our most relevant insights in to guiding principals. These principals would ensure our design stayed focused, effective, and ethical.



Minimize the possibility of fail states or implied failure experienced by the user. Avoid modeling an "ideal" experience; users may see not embodying an ideal as a failure.



Act with empathy towards the feelings and thoughts of all parties involved, fostering a positive psychological climate.



Create spaces in which individuals may express themselves as authentically and freely as possible.



Cultivate the understanding that truly good things do not come easily.



Learn and practice concern for the welfare of the user, motivated by ensuring that all users maintain their moral obligations.

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See you on the other side <3
